
ThreatDown is now the name of the Malwarebytes line of business products. References to Malwarebytes below reflect the amazing technology used to first identify the threat.

Short bio

Trojan.TrickBot.Generic is Malwarebytes’ detection name for the generic detections of a family of banking Trojan targeting Windows machines.

Developed in 2016, TrickBot is one of the more recent banking Trojans, with many of its original features inspired by Dyreza (another banking Trojan). Besides targeting a wide array of international banks via its webinjects, Trickbot can also steal from Bitcoin wallets.

Some of its other capabilities include harvesting emails and credentials using the Mimikatz tool. Its authors also show an ability for constant new features and developments.

Trojan.TrickBot comes in modules accompanied by a configuration file. Each module has a specific task like gaining persistence, propagation, stealing credentials, encryption, and so on. The C&Cs are set up on hacked wireless routers.

Type of infection

Trojan.TrickBot.Generic focuses on stealing banking information. TrickBot typically spreads via malicious spam campaigns. Other methods of propagation include infected attachments and embedded URLs. Trojan.TrickBot.Generic is also seen as a secondary infection dropped by Trojan.Emotet.

Malicious behavior

The endpoint user will not notice any symptoms of a Trickbot infection. However, a network admin will likely see changes in traffic or attempts to reach out to blacklisted IPs and domains, as the malware will communicate with Trickbot’s command and control infrastructure to exfiltrate data and receive tasks.

Some variants of Trojan.TrickBot.Generic gain persistence by creating a Scheduled Task.


Due to the way Trickbot spreada through a company’s network, any infected machine on the network may re-infect machines that have been previously cleaned when they rejoin the network. Therefore, IT teams need to isolate, patch, and remediate each infected system one-by-one. This can be a long and painstaking process.


Malwarebytes can also protect users from Trojan.TrickBot.Generic with our real-time protection.

Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.TrickBot.Generic

Business remediation

Malwarebytes can detect and remove Trojan.TrickBot on business endpoints without further user interaction. But to be effective on networked machines, you must first follow these steps:

    Identifying the infected machines

    If you have unprotected endpoints/machines, you can run Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) to look for possible Indicators of Compromise (IOC). Besides verifying an infection, FRST can also be used to verify removal before bringing an endpoint/machine back into the network.

    Disabling Administrative Shares

    Windows server shares by default install hidden share folders specifically for administrative access to other machines. The Admin$ shares are used by Trickbot once it has brute forced the local administrator password. A file share sever has an IPC$ share that Trickbot queries to get a list of all endpoints that connect to it. These AdminIP shares are normally protected via UAC, however, Windows will allow the local administrator through with no prompt.

    The most recent Trickbot variants use C$ with the Admin credentials to move around and re-infect all the other endpoints.

    Repeated re-infections are an indication the worm was able to guess or brute force the administrator password successfully. Please change all local and domain administrator passwords.

    It is recommended to disable these Admin$ shares via the registry, as discussed here. If you do not see this registry key, it can be added manually and set up to be disabled.

    To remove the Trickbot Trojan using Malwarebytes business products, follow the instructions below.

    Home remediation

      1. Show Malwarebytes icon in notification area
      2. Allow users to run a Threat Scan (all threats will be quarantined automatically)
      MBEP prepare scan
      1. Take the client off the network
      2. From the system tray icon, run an Anti-Rootkit threat scan.

    If you have infected machines that are not registered endpoints in Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection, you can remove Trickbot with our Breach Remediation tool (Malwarebytes Incident Response).