
ThreatDown is now the name of the Malwarebytes line of business products. References to Malwarebytes below reflect the amazing technology used to first identify the threat.

Short bio

Trojan.SmokeLoader is Malwarebytes’ detection name for a large family of backdoor Trojans used to drop many types of other malware.

Type of infection

Trojan.SmokeLoader is a Trojan that can be used to drop other malware on an infected systems, but operators can choose additional modules that allow for information stealing capapbilities. Trojan.SmokeLoader can be distributed by exploit kits, in email campaigns, and by being offered as legiitmate applications.

Malicious behavior

Trojan.SmokeLoader gains persistence by using a multitude of methods:

  • scheduled tasks
  • registry entries
  • the startup folder
  • replacing legitimate files


Trojan.SmokeLoader has been seen to drop other backdoors, ransomware, cryptominers, password stealers, Point-of-Sale (PoS) malware, and banking Trojans.


Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.SmokeLoader

Home remediation

You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints.

Nebula endpoint tasks menu

Choose the Scan + Quarantine option. Afterwards you can check the Detections page to see which threats were found.

On the Quarantine page you can see which threats were quarantined and restore them if necessary.