
ThreatDown is now the name of the Malwarebytes line of business products. References to Malwarebytes below reflect the amazing technology used to first identify the threat.

Short bio

Trojan.Dropper.SFX is Malwearebytes’ generic detection name for Trojan droppers that arrive on the affected system as self extracting archives.

Type of infection

Droppers are helper programs for various types of malware such as Trojans and rootkits. Usually they open a way for attack by downloading/decompressing and installing the core payload. Downloaders often appear in non-persistent form. They install the malicious module and remove themselves automatically. In such a case, after a single deployment they are no longer a threat. More dangerous variants are persistent. They copy themselves to some random, hidden file and create registry keys to run after the system is restarted, attempting to download the malicious modules again. When the downloaded file is run, a self extracting dropper first extracts itslef and then downloads other malware and installs it on a system. Most of the time, the user gets infected by using some unauthenticated online resources. Infections are often consequences of activities like:

  • Clicking malicious links or visiting shady websites
  • Downloading unknown free programs
  • Opening attachments sent with spam

They may also be installed without user interaction, carried by various exploit kits.


Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.Dropper.SFX by using real-time protection.

Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.Dropper.SFX
Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.Dropper.SFX

Home remediation

You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints.

Nebula endpoint tasks menu

Choose the Scan + Quarantine option. Afterwards you can check the Detections pageto see which threats were found.On the Quarantine page you can see which threats were quarantined and restore them if necessary.