
ThreatDown is now the name of the Malwarebytes line of business products. References to Malwarebytes below reflect the amazing technology used to first identify the threat.

Short bio

Trojan.AppleJeus is Malwarebytes’ detection name for a cryptocurrency stealer mostly operated by the Lazarus group

Type of infection

Since 2018, one of Lazarus Group’s tactics has been to disguise AppleJeus malware as cryptocurrency trading platforms and tools for both Windows and Mac. In April, CISA warned that Lazarus Group uses these trojanized applications, that Malwarebytes detects as Trojan.AppleJeus, to gain access to victims’ computers, spread other malware, and steal private keys or to exploit other security gaps. All of this is done to create an environment where the group can initiate fraudulent cryptocurrency transactions.


Malwarebytes protects users against Trojan.AppleJeus by using real-time protection.

Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.AppleJeus
Malwarebytes blocksĀ Trojan.AppleJeus

Home remediation

You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints.

Nebula endpoint tasks menu

Choose the Scan + Quarantine option. Afterwards you can check the Detections page to see which threats were found.On the Quarantine page you can see which threats were quarantined and restore them if necessary.